Every month, we gather some smart speakers and a curious crowd, add a bar, and create something unique. This month, we’re going to join the Federation and smuggle asteroids!
Yes, you read that right! Our first speaker, astrophysicist Elizabeth Tasker, will talk about her adventures transporting asteroid grains returned to Earth by the Hayabusa2 space mission. Then, open-source technologist Christian Horn explains just what federated social network Mastodon is and why you should join.
Drinks (both alcoholic and non) will be available. Drink, meet, and be square-y! Kids are also welcome at Nerd Nite.
You can also find our event information on Facebook and Meetup; check the sidebar for all of our social media and mailing lists. Help us promote Nerd Nite by signing up on our event listings and sharing our social media posts!
- Elizabeth Tasker (Mastodon) (Twitter) — Asteroid smuggling for beginners
- Christian Horn (Mastodon) — Mastodon: join the Federation!
When: November 17 (Friday), doors open 19:30, start 20:00
Where: World Peace Theatre in Kawasaki (Google Maps)
Price: ¥1000 at the door or buy tickets in advance online using this link or the box below
Livestream: Livestream tickets are required and can be purchased by clicking on this link. ¥1000 suggested; free option also available!
COVID-19 safety policy: Please wear a mask. See below for details.
Additional speaker resources:
「Nerd Nite東京」は、 毎月行われ、TEDのような講演を2、3つ、TEDよりもリラックスした空間でお酒を飲みながらお楽しみいただけます。
テーマは科学研究、技術、美術、歴史などなど毎月変わりますので、新しい人と話を様々発見できる場です。発表と質疑応答は英語で行われますが、もちろん日本人の方も大歓迎です。ぜひNerd Nite東京へご参加ください!
COVID-19 safety policy
To help protect vulnerable members of our community, please wear a mask that fully covers your nose and mouth at all times, unless you are drinking, eating, or presenting on stage.
We recommend the use of surgical masks made from ‘non-woven’ material, as well as masks that meet the N95, KN95, or DS2 standards. If you do not have a mask, we can provide one to you at the door.
We also strongly encourage you to have received a government-approved COVID-19 vaccine, but we will not require proof of vaccination.