Every month, we gather some smart speakers and a curious crowd, add a bar, and create something unique. This month, we’re moving to a new location close to the center of Tokyo! We’ll have two great speakers on tap, alongside craft beer and cafe food.
Let’s let those speakers introduce themselves! First, Lia Camargo:
Discover the world of ”femtech”, where technology meets women’s health needs. How long is a menstrual cycle and why does it matter? Can AI change how we think about fertility? Do men experience menopause? My talk will shed light on how the femtech industry is reshaping healthcare for all genders.
Then, Lena Morita:
For the countless hours we spend typing on a keyboard, very few of us have consciously honed this skill beyond the touch typing basics we learned way back when. You make the same exact typos all the time and fumble with the symbols row, but typing is such a mindless activity you barely even notice it.
This is the story of an amateur pianist who realized how the principles of piano practice can be applied to the computer keyboard. Through mindful self-diagnosis and an awareness of biomechanics, anybody can transform their typing technique over a weekend.
Drinks (both alcoholic and non) as well as food will be available. Check out the menu here and come early; we’re opening the doors at 7 PM. Drink, meet, and be square-y! Kids are also welcome at Nerd Nite.
You can also find our event information on Facebook and Meetup; check the sidebar for all of our social media and mailing lists. Help us promote Nerd Nite by signing up on our event listings and sharing our social media posts!
- Lia Camargo (fermata) (LinkedIn) — Rethinking ‘Healthy’ through the Lens of Gender
- Lena Morita (Twitter) — Your typing sucks: A pianist’s approach to the (computer) keyboard
When: July 19 (Friday), doors open 19:00, start 20:00
Where: Ryozan Park Lounge / Cafe Port Glasgow in Sugamo (Google Maps)
Price: ¥1000 at the door, or buy tickets online in advance at this link or using the box below
Livestream: Livestream tickets are required and available at this link. ¥1000 suggested; free option also available!
To help prevent the spread of infectious diseases including COVID-19, we recommend mask use at our events and encourage you to stay up to date on all vaccinations.
「Nerd Nite東京」は、 毎月行われ、TEDのような講演を2、3つ、TEDよりもリラックスした空間でお酒を飲みながらお楽しみいただけます。
テーマは科学研究、技術、美術、歴史などなど毎月変わりますので、新しい人と話を様々発見できる場です。発表と質疑応答は英語で行われますが、もちろん日本人の方も大歓迎です。ぜひNerd Nite東京へご参加ください!